So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa

Friday, March 25, 2005

The Feng Shui Answer to Love and Abundance

I've been reading a great book by Terah Kathryn Collins called Feng Shui for Romance. I picked it up more to help me reflect self-love, balance, and happiness in my home than to bring a romantic partner, but that would be a nice perk wouldn't it:). What I've found in her book though is satisfyingly exactly what I was looking for and that has led me to her website at

The website in general has lots of interesting information, but what I wanted to share with you in particular is a very powerful article that touched me profoundly with its simple truth. I want you to read it and reread it and reread it again until you too have your Aha! moment. It is that profound! And when you get it - it will change your life. Right then and there.

You can find it here

There is a ton of great stuff on this page and the article I'm speaking of is towards the end of the page and entitled QUESTION & ANSWER – Love and Abundance. If you read nothing else on this page, be sure you read this article! I truly believe you'll be very happy you did:).

Thursday, March 24, 2005

My Favorite Beauty Websites

Here I will post my favorite websites for Natural Beauty information. Be sure to check back often!

For Make Up
  • Make Up Alley

  • For Hair
  • Nappturality!
  • Naturally Curly

  • For General Beauty
  • Pioneer Thinking Mind and Body Forum
  • My Favorite Beauty Recipes

    Here I will post my favorite homemade beauty recipes. Be sure to check back often!

  • Quick and Dirty Perfume Making
  • My Favorite Books

    I've learned so much from just from hours and hours of reading! I've listed for you below some of my most favorite books, the one's that have helped me the most in living a happy, whole life. I turn to these books often to help hone what I offer in my consultations and beauty services. As I review them, I will add the links to the articles for easy access. Enjoy!

    Holistic Beauty Books

  • Glow by Cristina Pirello

  • Your Face Never Lies by Michio Kushi

  • Wellness Books

  • Feng Shui for Romance by Terah Kathryn Collins

  • Soul Without Shame by Byron Brown
  • Wednesday, March 23, 2005

    Something Inspiring!

    Are you looking for some inspiration to keep you motivated? I was a couple of days ago and luckily I came across this wonderful website and this great article by Life Coach Kathy Mallory.

    Launching a new aspect of one's business can be daunting to say the least, especially when you are a solo soul-prenuer (an inspiring phrase I adopted from Kathy's site) like myself! Finding supporters, even in the cyberworld can mean a world of difference and that's why I wanted to share Kathy's site with you all. I know that there are many of you out there wanting to grab hold of and claim the life you really want.

    In my quest to help you live a holistically happy life, I realize this is an important part of that and I believe Kathy is one of those persons than can help you do it. Just stopping by her site every couple of days and checking out a new link has been inspiring for me and I'm sure it can be for you!

    Remember, it's important and necessary to find support for yourself! Courageously seek out your community, your people, the ones that want to see you succeed and will help you to do so as well. If you all make it the finish line at the same time, there'll be a lot more to celebrate!

    Enjoy Kathy's site and let me know what you think!

    Tuesday, March 22, 2005


    Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

    Yay! Now you can link your blog to mine! I just love the beauty of technology:)!

    Sunday, March 20, 2005

    Putting up the Logo

    Wow, that was a learning process:). I figured I'd try to chronicle every part of this journey and so telling you all about the 30 minute process of putting up the logo is a part of that. The two postings below this one were both attempts to get the picture hosted so that it could be placed in the profile. The first post was a little too large, hence the second one. But I can happily say it's there now. If I take one step in the right direction a day, I'm happy:).

    Oh and other great news to celebrate - actually has a working shopping cart now! Yay! So now you can actually go to the site and purchase something directly. That is definitely cause for high-fives and champagne toasts! That whole process took about an hour or so, and now I know a lot more about html and php. I have to smile about that right:). Soon, the way things are going I'll be able to teach someone about that too*smiles*. I guess that's a plus to not having the funds to hire a snazzy web designer, lol.

    So do definitely, please go to Soul Revival Services and Beauty Products on the sidebar and check out the new paypal buttons!

    Saturday, March 19, 2005

    Soul Revival's Logo Posted by Hello

    Sun Circles Posted by Hello

    Friday, March 18, 2005

    Musings and Real Introductions

    So I've been happily posting away every chance I get, some of what I feel are the basics to have here plus a few tidbits of holistic living wisdom I wanted to share. I hope you all who stop by here are finding things of interest and reasons to come back! I've said this before, but leaving your feedback in the comments is great for me. What are you curious about? What haven't you been able to find yourself in endless internet searching:)? I want to not only give you information that I'd like to share, but to help you with what you want to know as well.

    I've actually been thinking a lot about what I'm hoping this blog will become. Well first and foremost, of course, I'm hoping to generate interest, curiosity, and business for my mobile spa service and also for the hair and skin care products I make and the consultations I do.

    I'm also hoping though for something a little different, a little out of the ordinary in some circles. I'm hoping to create a rich and vibrant community here. One where you get to know me just as well as I get to know you. One where you get to ask me detailed, specific questions about what I'm into and expect to get real-time, real-life answers back. And one where I can openly share all I've learned and am learning about true beauty and true health in an easy, comfortable way.

    So I look forward to where this takes me! And I thank you for coming along for the ride!

    Thursday, March 17, 2005

    Quick and Dirty Perfume Making!

    Well maybe not so quick:). The idea though is that you can make perfume with pretty much what's sitting around in your kitchen, granted - assuming that you have vodka sitting around in your kitchen. Other than that though, everything else can be found in most people's cabinets.

    What you'll need is:

    • A clean, preferably sterilized glass jar
    • some kitchen spices
    • vodka
    • water (distilled is best so you don't introduce any unwanted "bugs" or chemicals)

    The clean jar can be anything ranging from a washed out jelly jar to a fancy "Container Store" specimen. I would suggest the jelly jar though for making perfume and the fancy jar for storing it. Here's why...You'll need to have the jelly jar capped very tightly and filled with all types of spices and you may want to be able to pick and choose how many of the pretty herbs actually go into your pretty jar.

    Wondering about sterilizing the jelly jar? The easiest way I've found is to boil the jar in a large pot of water for at least 10 minutes. That will in most cases, take care of everything of issue.

    My basic recipe for perfume making is 2 tablespoons of vodka to 2 tablespoons of water. That tends to give me a nice blend that holds the scent in the bottle and on my body as well - really important:)!

    2 tablespoons is equivalent to about 1 ounce so you'll need to take this into consideration when thinking about the quantity of vodka and water to put in your jar. Remember, you want equal parts vodka and water. Your jar size will determine how much you actually put in.

    So now for the spices. You may be wondering where they fit in here.

    This is where you get to be creative and original!

    Take your favorite kitchen spices, preferably the whole versions of them(i.e. whole coriander, whole cardamon, cinammon sticks, black peppercorns, whole bay leaves, whole dried orange peels, whole dried lemon rinds, etc.) and place them on a cutting board and commence to crushing them down. The most important thing here is that they are brusied sufficiently enough for them to start releasing their scent.

    I would crush about 1 tablespoon of spices for each 2 tablespoons of vodka. After you've crushed your spices, place them in your jar and cap it very tightly.

    Now this part is going to be hard, but you are going to want to let this sit for at least a week's time. Feel free to take a sniff every couple of days to note the change, however try to refrain from using it or opening it up too much. You really want to give the scent a chance to settle. A good idea is to shake your jar once a day to get the scents moving around and mixed into each other and locked into the mixture.

    FYI, vodka is serving as your fixative here so it's really important to try to use the highest proof of the best quality you can find and afford. Don't stress yourself though! I've used 80 proof vodka from a plastic bottle before and made really wonderful, well appreciated perfume. I find that it's ultimately more about the love and care you put into your work than what you are working with.

    So now to the finishing touches - after a weeks time, you're ready to open the cap and see how you like what you've created. If you aren't happy, you have the option of adding more spices and letting it steep a few more days or just letting it steep the extra time without the addition.

    Once you're happy with the scent, now it's time for straining and making it pretty! This is where the pretty glass jar comes in. Depending on the spices you've used, I'd take a few of them whole and place these into the pretty jar. I'd then strain the perfume directly into the jar or into another more easily pourable jar.

    Once you finish this, voila!, you've got your own au-naturale, unique perfume! If you weren't able to find a glass jar with a spray top, remember you can always apply this perfume as a splash:).

    One thing I recommend a thousand times over is to make sure you write down your resume. Can you imagine making the most delectable perfume and then not being able to figure out how to make it again! This will help you not have to go through that - believe me it's no fun:)!

    So do you have questions? Something not clear? Post in the comments and I'll clue you in.

    Also if you have perfume recipes or home perfume making stories to tell, please do share these in the comments as well!

    Saturday, March 12, 2005

    Employment with So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa

    Have you been looking for that perfect job - the one that will resonate with your personal values, beliefs, and needs? Consider employment with So(u)l Revival! We are always looking for dynamic, passionate, and life-loving spa professionals to become a part of our team.

    If you are a licensed or soon to be licensed esthetician, nail technician, or massage therapist, please feel free to send your resume to

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Thursday, March 10, 2005

    What is Soulistic Sanctuary, Inc.?

    Soulistic Sanctuary is a non-profit organization started by myself and Karen Carter to educate others on holistic health and sustainable living practices. Our mission is to serve as a source of education and empowerment through complementary and alternative medicine as well as healthy living skills to communities that don't traditionally have this information.

    Go to the events page to find the upcoming class dates!

    Wednesday, March 09, 2005

    So(u)l Revival Press Release 3-7-05

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Please feel free to pass on!

    New mobile spa company promotes pampering and holistic health

    Chicago – March 7, 2005 – When Soul Revival launches next month, it will provide an innovative twist on the day spa experience.

    The brainchild of engineer-turned-herbal enthusiast Leah R. Patterson, Soul Revival offers clients the comfort and convenience of spa services whenever and wherever they like. This mobile spa is equipped to service any venue – corporate events, community gatherings, private parties – at low cost.

    Spa services include facials, hot stone massages and our signature Cocoa-Mint Kisses manicure and pedicure.

    In addition to spa services, Soul Revival offers workshops to help clients learn basic practices to keep them feeling well.

    Classes include:
    · Making Your Own Lotion and Lip Balm
    · Aromatherapy for Beauty, Health and Well-Being
    · Herbs for Women
    · Herbal Skin Care
    · Herbal Aphrodisiacs

    This combination is an empowering duo, helping clients to not only feel well but to live well. Soul Revival believes that true beauty comes from a happy and healthy total self. Our natural skin and hair care products line can be found in select stores throughout the Chicago area. Soul Revival launches April 30. Call now for appointments and bookings.

    Leah R. Patterson, Soul Revival
    (312) 933-0338

    So(u)l Revival Spa Menu and Prices

    Spa Party Packages: Click Here

    A La Carte Menu
    (Face and Body Treatments):
    *****Add $25 for traveling if requesting mobile services:)
    Revitalizing Facial $50
    Revive and Refresh in 30 mins
    Soul Revival Facial $80
    My Signature All-natural facial treatment
    Back Facial $50
    For all those beautiful backless tops and gowns, make sure your back is just as lovely as the rest of you!
    Makeup Lesson & Application $50
    Be your most beautiful you with a movie star makeup application!
    Cocoamint Hand Treatment $35
    Softens and moisturizes leaving hands looking and feeling years younger
    Cocoamint Foot Treatment $40
    Revitalize tired feet with a cooling, exfoliating treatment

    Bare Essentials (Waxing):
    Brow Sculpt
    Face $30
    Underarm $15
    Lower Leg $45
    Toes $10
    Arms $20
    Bikini $35
    Female Brazilian $55
    Male Brazilian $75

    Lovely Lashes Application:
    Individual Lashes
    Strip Lashes $25

    Add On Workshops ($15/person, *$30/person)

    • Herbal Skin Care
    • Herbs for Health
    • Women’s Herbs
    • First Aid Herbs
    • Beauty Herbs
    • Home Spa Products Making*
    • Aromatherapy for Health
    • Aromatherapy for Beauty
    • Lotion and Lip Balm Making*
    • Herbal Aphrodisiacs

    *Prices subject to change

    Monday, March 07, 2005

    What is So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa?

    So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa is a traveling spa service serving the Chicagoland area. We provide not only pampering and nourishing spa treatments, but also offer clients the opportunity to learn basic practices to keep them feeling well through fun, empowering workshops. What's even better is that we're equipped to bring all of this right to where you are. Visit our Spa Service Menu page to find out more about our services.

    For bookings or more information, you may reach us at:

    Wednesday, March 02, 2005

    Henna for Your Hair!

    I've just recently ventured back into the world of Henna! I remember I tried to dye my hair with Henna years ago and it was a disatrous event. My hair turned really brittle and became even less manageable.

    So you can imagine, I was a little hesistant to try again. However I took the plunge this time with 100% Natural Red Henna from a reputable company and wow! - the results were astounding!

    My usually dusty brown to auburn hair has nice red overtones and the extra perk is that it is super soft and extremely manageable. Henna is known for detangling one's hair and repairing split ends and I can testify to this, especially to its effects on an African-American woman's hair:) (unfortunately, there aren't that many resources on Henna dyeing ethnic hair out there).

    I totally believe now that the Henna I had years ago was just a bad batch and that in fact, Henna is a great if not wonderful way to nurture and nourish your hair, whatever your hair type!

    Here are the Henna internet resources I've found helpful:

    Natural Hair Dying with Henna is something that I'd love to offer as a service through So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa in the near future. Do you think this would be a cool service to add? Do you have some Henna advice you'd like to share? Post a comment and let me know:)!

    About So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa

    I decided to venture into the Mobile Spa business after a wonderful experience managing a "Chocolate Spa" for a function at my full-time job. I had such a good time with it and was able to use all of my skills and exercise so many of my passions, that I figured I might be on to something. I did some research and found that a mobile spa business was in fact the glue to bring all my various loves together! And so I got moving! My goal is to be fully operational and performing our first jobs by May 1st. Wish me luck and follow me along the journey!

    Here is my latest flyer text for the Mobile Spa. What are your thoughts? If you saw this, would you give us a call?:) Thanks! I'll post the actual flyer soon as I figure out how too:).
    So(u)l Revival's Traveling Day Spa!

    Unique, renewing, refreshing, reviving

    That's a spa experience with So(u)l Revival spa!

    What's even better is that we bring the experience to you with our traveling services!
    And with So(u)l Revival, you are not only pampered, relaxed, and restored - you are empowered as well.

    Our unique service offers you workshops and one-on-one consultations in addition to your spa treatments on topics ranging from herbal skin care to aromatherapy for health.

    Treat yourself, your friends, your business associates, anyone and everyone to a holistic experience with So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa!

    About So(u)l Revival and Leah R. Patterson

    So(u)l Revival was born out of a woman's desire to empower herself. Leah R. Patterson began learning how to make her own body and hair care products 4 years ago when she became interested in natural healing and optimal health. Though she had always excelled in academics, graduated with honors from Howard University's Chemical Engineering program, and even done fellowship work at the National Institutes of Health, Leah realized around this time that she had never been taught some of the basic tenets of healthy living. To her chagrin, she couldn't even say with confidence how the food in a grocery store came to be there or what determined how good or bad it was for you.

    This led her on a path to seeking out an in-depth understanding of true health and healing. She found herself intrigued by nutrition and herbal medicine in particular and so decided to study these two areas extensively. She completed an herbal apprenticeship with her mentor Robin Rose Bennett, a renowned herbalist from New Jersey and enrolled in Clayton College of Natural Health's Master's of Natural Health Program. She is currently working towards the designation of Master Herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild.

    For the past two years she has been teaching classes in herbal medicine and natural products making through Soulistic Sanctuary Inc, a non-profit organization that she co-founded in 2002 with the purpose of educating minority communities in particular on holistic health and sustainable living practices.

    As she learned more about the benefits of natural raw materials and the detriments of the standard synthetic ones, it was a natural progression for her to begin making her own products, plus a natural way for her creativity to grow as well. She started So(u)l Revival at the bequest of family and friends who enjoyed the different products she made and encouraged her to provide them on a wider scale.

    She is now expanding So(u)l Revival into a mobile spa, again at the bequest of clients and students, who want to be pampered and empowered at the same time!

    Leah strives to be sure that regardless of the intended use, that all her products and services have a healing base and foundation in wellness.Beauty, pampering, health, healing, and wellness all go hand in hand for her!

    Welcome to the Evolution of Soul Revival!

    Greetings All and Welcome!

    This is So(u)l Revival Spa Space, a place where I hope to share with you all, new and old friends, the journey to business, as well as the passion I have for my life's calling. I am Leah R. Patterson, the visionist! You might ask what my life's calling is? I believe its helping people love themselves again. And the way that I do that is through empowering them to be wholesomely beautiful and truly, holistically healthy, inside and out.

    Here on So(u)l Revival's pages, you'll find tidbits of herbal knowledge on beauty, hair, skin, and health care as well as information on wellness and holistic health in general. I ask that you bear with me and enjoy the process as I learn the ropes of managing this blog and grow this site into more and more to share!

    Please feel free to introduce yourself, ask questions, leave comments, share your story, and tell your friends!

    Welcome again!