So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Soul Revival Gets Business Coaching!

Greetings all! I’m very excited about this and wanted to tell you all about it and share the story with you!

Marianne Weidlein is a truly inspiring business and life coach who I happened to come across through my many surfs through cyberspace. Her website Empowering Vision grabbed my attention right away and I promptly signed up for her newsletter.

Well a week ago, she sent a letter stating that it was her time of year for “gifting” and that she would be offering someone her Self-Employment Mentoring. She asked for everyone to send in a response to how your enhanced success would benefit the world.

Well everyone, I sent in my response and guess what! She chose me:)!

Need I say I’m very excited once again! This is a wonderful opportunity and exactly what I need to stay on track so that you all will have a beautiful mobile spa, wonderfully enlightening and empowering classes, luxuriously healing natural products and a sane and happy Leah too:)!

I will keep you all posted on how the coaching sessions go!

I thought you also might enjoy knowing a little bit more about why I do what I do so here is what I wrote to Marianne. Enjoy!
Hi Marianne!

Thank you so much for this opportunity! Emailing you is giving me a chance to clarify a little more what it is I'm really moving towards/going after, so thank you for that!

So you asked how I feel that my enhanced success is going to benefit the world. I've been trying to live my mission of educating people, especially low-income communities, on using herbs for health and beauty and holistic living in general for the past four years. It's been a challenging journey and I often find that I'm pushing against the grain and trying to introduce something that, even the average middle class person balks at and barely trusts. My mission is my true calling however and every time I've tried to put it aside or off for later, my life always finds a way to bring me back to it. What's happened over this time as well is that I've realized that I'm trying to help people attain true happiness, which to me has to do with much more than just one's physical health. It has everything to do with the connection one makes consciously and unconsciously with everything in his or her environment, which inevitably means one's connection with everything that is. Connecting with the Earth is a huge part of attaining that happiness I believe and that's why plants weigh so heavily with me.

I've met many obstacles and gained a lot of knowledge and growing wisdom through my endeavors. A lot of that growth has centered on breaking through personal inner barriers to what it is I say I truly want. It's taken me a long time to realize the many ways I've stood in the way of my own success and happiness. I feel as though I am finally reaching the place where I'm becoming much more of an advocate for myself and I believe that your course will help me to keep cheering myself on and moving forward on the path I know is opening up before me.

The work I've been called to do is very important in that it can create the paradigm shifts in people's thinking that can begin to change the world to the best vision we can create. I've seen it happen in the classes I teach and I want to see it happen in the people that I haven't been able to reach as often, namely the people of lower incomes and more dire economical and social constraints. I've realized that I have to create a well-mapped road to be able to do this and I truly believe that a course such as yours can help me to do that. Creating a successful for profit business in Soul Revival ( will help me to do increasingly more of the work of Soulistic Sanctuary (

I thank you so much again Marianne for this opportunity! I am cc'ing my home address above so that I can post this on my blog. I think my readers would enjoy knowing a little bit more about why I do what I do:).

Green Blessings!


Friday, April 01, 2005

Open Invitation to All! Join Our Herbalist Group!

Click here to join chiherbalists
Click to join chiherbalists

Good Morning Everyone!

I want to officially extend this invitation to everyone to join Chicago's Herbalist Group!

We've been meeting since October of last year and we've got a lot of awesome things planned! This summer especially should be filled with a lot of sharing, growing, learning and fun:).

If you've been interested in herbs but haven't found a place to learn a lot for little monetary cost, I believe today is in fact an auspicious day for you- as our group is just that place!

Stop by our new Yahoo site Chicago Herbalists Group to learn more about the group and to sign up!

The more players we have, the more fun this game will be:)!

If you have any questions, please do post in the comments or email me at and I'll be sure to get back to you.

I'm excited about all we can do together!