So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Come to Herbal Spa Night!

Hey everyone,

There will be another Herbal Spa Night next Thursday, August 25th! If you've missed the last two, really try to come out this time - It may be our last for the year! I and other members of the Chicago Herbalists Group will be leading a free demonstration on the many ways to preserve your favorite herbs in the beautiful Demonstration Garden at the Garfield Park Conservatory.

For all who have asked, I will have soap to sell! I'll also have them on my website soon for everyone who's asked that:)!

Our esthetician, nail technician, and massage therapist will be there as well performing chair massages ($1/minute), mini-manicures ($10), and mini-facials ($12). Of course we're going to have a ton of fun! Don't miss out:)!

Join Us! (No RSVP necessary!):

Date: Thursday, August 25th, 2005
Time: 6pm - 7:30 pm
Location: Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60624

If you have any questions, post them and I'll get back to you asap!

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Herbs for Body and Soul

Hey all,

If you know me, then you already know how excited I get when I find new herbal resource, especially one that covers herbs for the body and the spirit! Well, I've found one! This was passed on to me by one of the great volunteers that helps us keep the herb spiral beautiful at the Garfield Park Conservatory. I hope you get as excited as I did reading it!

Enjoy and take great care of yourself!


All About Herbs - Body and Soul

Friday, June 10, 2005

Getting to Know Your Weeds

Hey everyone!

How many of you know the weeds around you well? How about at all:)? In terms of natural health and easy living, knowing your weeds is paramount! They are some of the most highly nutritious and medicinal sources available to us and for the most part, they're free and ripe for the harvesting! I've posted an article to my BellaOnline Wellness Site that gives a lot more information. It's two parts, so be sure to check back for the next installment or sign up for the newsletter so you can get a reminder email:).


Weeds - Not Just Garden Pests! - Part I

Monday, June 06, 2005

Plant Your Seeds this New Moon!

Greetings everyone!

For all of you that don't follow astrology too closely, I want to make sure you're aware of what a rich, potent time you're in! We have a beautiful new moon that's just risen in the sign of Gemini a few hours ago (5:55 pm EDT) plus Jupiter, the big planet of expansion and movement, went direct just yesterday!

It is truly a wonderful time for new love, new travel, new business, new projects, and new ideas, plus the old ones that to date just haven't quite gotten off the ground. Now is the time that they will and all you have to do is place your focus on what you want the most!

It's a beautiful thing when you have the forces of the heavens working with you isn't it;)?

I encourage you all to spend the next few days planting the seeds of the new things/experiences you want in your life. Think a lot about them and more importantly feel how happy they will make you when they appear. Feeling is key here!

I promise you that, with joyful focus, you'll begin to see these things manifesting for yourself over the next few weeks and months. Enjoy the process and have fun reaping in the bounty of your creation!

I'm going out right now in fact to sit in the moonlight and plant some sweet seeds to bring to me the sweetness of life! I suggest you do the same;)!

And when you come back in, check out this great website . It has wonderful information on the moon and how you can become more intune with it for your own personal growth and happiness.


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Small but Nice Event!

Greetings everyone!

First I want to thank everyone who was able to make it out to the Launch Party last week! Thank you so much. I really appreciated your presence! I believe the weather put a damper on the turnout, which is unfortunate but totally understandable.

Those of us that were there had a really nice time. I presented a free hour-long class on herbs and aromatherapy while some people were receiving chair massages and Tarot readings. We had a nice spread of fruit and vegetables and bottles of one of my favorite drinks, sparkling white grape juice. Oh yes, and there were 3 bag fulls of hershey kisses to share as well:).

I am most definitely looking forward to throwing another party! Even though we were a small group, I had such a blast with everyone and it was a lot of fun to be sharing some of the things I love so much.

Oh yes, I apologize to everyone who is looking for pictures! I got caught up in teaching and totally forgot to snap some! At the next event, I promise to do better or grab a friend to be designated photographer:).

Keep a look out here and in your inbox for info on the next event! We have two spa dates coming up towards the end of June on June 25 and June 30. I haven't decided yet if we'll have all the extra trimmings on these dates, but we definitely will be doing our standard mini-facials and hand massages.

Well it is bed time! Take care all!
