So(u)l Revival Mobile Spa

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Tropical Spa Night Jan. 19th and Facial Treats Class!

Join us for another night of pampering pleasure! (Then look below for my next class offering!)
This time we'll be celebrating the tropical warmth of the Conservatory in the middle of blistery January.

Come by for usual array of luxurius spa treatments, this time with a tropical twist!

Tropical Services
Pineapple/Carrot Facial – $18
Ginger Orange Cayenne Foot Treatment - $15
Ginger Orange Cayenne Hand Treatment - $12
Back and Neck Massage - $1/minute

To guarantee your treatment, email to reserve your slot today!

Date: Jan. 19th
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Location: Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60624

Facial Treats! Herbal Skin Care Class
Wednesday, Jan. 25th 7:00–9:00 p.m. $20 Fee or only $10 with a $50 receipt

After a year long hiatus, I'm teaching again! Take this opportunity to learn all about how you can use herbs, fruits, and common kitchen items to cleanse and beautify yourself. Plus try your hand at giving yourself an herbal facial steam and making a skin-type specific facial fruit scrub. This class always proves to be a ton of fun! Space is limited. Registration Required. 708.366.1045

Whole Foods
7245 Lake St.
River Forest, IL